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Discussion #1: Introduction and my experience with failure

    Hi, I'm Robert. I am a student at  Lone Star College Cy-Fair . I am discussing my experiences with failure in life. There is a lot more to this topic than I will let be known on this blog, but I still believe the information I discuss could be useful to others that are in a similar situation regardless of age. I hope to break down failure and the factors surrounding it into bits of information that can help others overcome the struggles of distraction and the repeated cycle of failure.      Why have I picked this topic? I feel and have felt like a failure since my final years of high school. The growing struggles of distraction, lacking motivation, and indecisiveness have kept me from growing for years now. I use things such as video games, movies, shows, YouTube, and other hobbies to distract myself. I'm always distracting myself with information about knives, steels, cameras, card games, video games, movies, shows, technology, and art. The cherry on top of all this distra

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Discussion #2 Failure is your friend?